Wojciech Rusek, Ph.D.

Physiotherapist, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Specialist in the field of physiotherapy.

For eighteen years he was an Assistant Professor and Head of the Anthropometric Laboratory at the Institute of Physiotherapy at the Medical Faculty of the University of Rzeszów.

Wojciech taught the following subjects: Clinical physiotherapy in orthopaedics and traumatology, Clinical physiotherapy in neurology, Kinesiotherapy, Diagnostics and rehabilitation programming, selected neuro-developmental methods in adult rehabilitation, selected neuro-developmental methods in the rehabilitation of children, modern technologies in physiotherapy.

Wojciech is also a lecturer at specialist courses for physiotherapists in the treatment of posture defects and therapy of children with cerebral palsy.

Wojciech focuses his professional interests primarily on the rehabilitation of posture defects, scoliosis therapy, and functional and neurological therapy. Wojciech also specializes in the rehabilitation of orthopaedic patients and patients with back pain syndromes.


Professional Career:

  • Saint Hedwig the Queen Regional Hospital No. 2 in Rzeszów: Rehabilitation Department, Rheumatology Department, Paediatrics Department, Paediatrics Department with Children's Neurology Sub-Department, Children's Surgery Department, Children's Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department, Neurology Department with Stroke Treatment Sub-Department,
  • University of Rzeszów, Institute of Physiotherapy - assistant professor,
  • Healthcare Complex No. 2 in Rzeszów.


  • Brian Mulligan's concept of mobilisations with movement (part C)
  • Brian Mulligan's concept of mobilisations with movement (part B)
  • Brian Mulligan's concept of mobilisations with movement (part A)
  • Manual therapy – diagnosis and mobilisation techniques of peripheral joints
  • Manual therapy – diagnosis and mobilisation techniques of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints
  • Manual therapy – basics of diagnosis and therapy of selected diseases (part II)
  • Manual therapy – basics of diagnosis and therapy of selected diseases (part I)
  • Diagnosis and therapy of back pain - McKenzie Method (part D)
  • Diagnosis and therapy of back pain - McKenzie Method (part C)
  • Diagnosis and therapy of back pain - McKenzie Method (part B)
  • Diagnosis and therapy of back pain - McKenzie Method (part A)
  • PNF Advanced course
  • PNF in Scoliosis
  • PNF basic course
  • New Development In The Treatment of Cerebral Palsy
  • Diagnosis and therapy of the child with Cerebral Palsy
  • Early diagnosis and therapy of psychomotor development disorders in infants and young children
  • Kinesiology Taping
  • Physiotherapy in geriatrics

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