
Armeo is a modern device used for the rehabilitation of the upper extremities in the 3D dimension.



Armeo is a modern device used for the rehabilitation of the upper extremities in the 3D dimension.

The Rehamed-Center enables the rehabilitation of the upper extremities with the use of the ARMEO. It is a modern device for the rehabilitation of the children and the adults with the limited or lost function of the upper extremity.

Armeo was designed for the people after a stroke, craniocerebral injury, spinal cord injury resulting in the upper extremity function disorder. The numerous studies have indicated, that in patients with the neurological disorders, due to intense and repeated aimed movement, new connections between the neurons are created in the brain. The training with the use of the Armeo helps in the stimulation of the brain plasticity and consequently enables the movement and the functionality restoration of the upper extremity. Thanks for the Armeo, the patients with the great malfunctions of the upper extremity, can exercise independently, due to which they use their own potential totally.

Armeo was designed based on the studies performed under the supervision of the prof D. Reinkensmeyer in University of California, Irvine (USA) and in Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (USA).


The advantages of the therapy with Armeo are:

  • functional and independent initiation of the movement by the patient, due to the stabilization of the joints and the relief of the extremity,
  • acceleration of the functional restoration of the upper extremity,
  • coordination of the wrist and arm movement,
  • modification of the exercises difficulty depending on the abilities of the patient.

Armeo enables:

  • independent therapy of the upper extremity and hand of the patients with the moderate and hard function disorders,
  • individual configuration of the exercise area,
  • precise, adjusted to the patients abilities relief of the extremities,
  • usage of the biofeedback information as the element supporting the therapy,
  • objective assessment and documentation of the patients advancement.

Armeo system has the advanced spring mechanism supporting the rehabilitated upper extremity. This enables the performance of the numerous exercise directed to the handgrip improvement with the modified level of difficulty. The Armeo exoskeleton covers all upper extremity and balances the load of the patients arm, increasing the possibility to use the movement potential. Armeo offers also the large number of the motor exercise reflecting the situations form the daily life. They provide the motivation to the patient and improve the functionality of the upper extremity. The therapy is possible in patients with the minimal muscle tension.

The device software enables the recording of the results achieved by the patient and the automatic report creation.

Armeo therapy price includes:
Preparation of the patient, training from 25 to 30 min., the disconnection of the patient from the device..